This is just one of their videos...
Friday, 31 July 2020
Medieval Knights and YouTube
Mediaeval history is not a subject that I often discuss here but I am going to make an exception to that rule because I've discovered the best history videos I've ever seen (and that includes those made by TV companies such as the BBC or The History Channel). They are all freely available on YouTube and if you have the slightest interest in how knights managed to go into battle wearing armour, how they trained their horses, what they ate, how their swords were made - in fact, if you have any curiosity about what the Middle Ages were really like (not what they look like in the movies), I have this simple advice: subscribe to the Modern History channel today!
This channel is the creation of Jason Kingsley, the founder and CEO of the Rebellion computer games company. When not running his business, he lives the life of a mediaeval knight. His channel is one of the great gems of YouTube. He really brings history to life. He goes to an armourer to see how suits of armour were made. He puts the 'shield wall' battle strategy to the test. He has sword fights, he jousts. He doesn't just talk about things - he actually does them. I am blown away by this channel. It deserves to be much better known.